Cr1.11.4KD.11.4 Tho wept I for woo & wrath of hir speche
C.11.4KD.11.4 tho wepte I for wo · and wratbhe of hir speche
R.11.4KD.11.4 ¶ Þo wepte I for sorweR.11.4:
Cf. alpha's sorwe to beta's properly alliterating wo.
Cx agrees here with beta. and wrath of
hire speche .
F.7.502KD.11.5.1& of myn wynkynge y a-wook / & wondrede þanne These six lines appear only in F.
F.8.1KD.11.5.4ANdF.8.1: The ornamental capital is written and flourished in green and red ink. as y lay & lookede / vpon þe launde grene.