M.11.41KD.11.41Ne shal nouȝt greue þe gretly ne bigile þe but ȝif þow woltle
Cr1.11.41KD.11.41 Ne shal not greue the greatly , ne but þou wilt begile the
W.11.41KD.11.41 Ne shal noȝt greue þee gretly . ne bigileW.11.41: W alone omits þee after bigile. but if þow wolt þi-selueW.11.41: W alone reads þi-selue; other B manuscripts omit it.
C.11.41KD.11.41 Ne shal nat greue þe gretly · ne bigile þe but þou wolt
G.12.41KD.11.41 shall not greuve þe greatly ne begyle þe wyth-owte þou wolte
R.11.41KD.11.41 Ne schal nouȝte greue þe graythlyR.11.41:
Beta reads gretly, a more obvious reading, but one which is also the
reading of Cx. ne begile þe but þow wolt .
F.8.39KD.11.41Þey shulle not greve þe grayþly / ne gyle þe but þou knowe.