Cr1.11.55KD.11.55 For while fortune is thy frend , Friers wil the loue
W.11.55KD.11.55 For whiles Fortune is þi frend . freres wol þee louye W.11.55:nota
C.11.54KD.11.55 For whiles fortune his þy frende · freres wol þe louye
For whiles fortune is þi frende sum frereR.11.51: R's sum frere is unique; Bx reads Freres, as does Cx. These lines present a
very good illustration of a difficulty sometimes encountered in R: it is nearly impossible
here and in some other instances to distinguish later readers' underlinings from the residue
of the original ruling for text. wil þe louie .
F.8.47KD.11.55For while Fortune is þy frend / Freres wil þe worchepe.F.8.47: The scribe wrote a red "VII" with red flourishes (an error for "VIII") in the upper right margin to indicate the passus number.