M.12.108KD.12.100NomoreNo more kan no clerk . but if he cauȝte it furst ofM.12.108: For of, Cr has by, F has in, and other B manuscripts have þoruȝ. bokes
Cr1.12.108KD.12.100 No more can no clarke , but if he caughte it fyrste by boks
W.12.108KD.12.100 Namoore kan no Clerk . but if he cauȝte it first þoruȝ bokes W.12.108:nota
C.12.107KD.12.100 Na more kan no clerc · bot he kaughte it first thurgh bookes
O.12.108KD.12.100No more can aO.12.108: GOC2 alone have a in place of no. clerk but if he caccheO.12.108: OC2F alone have cacche in place of cauȝte. it first þoruȝ bokis