L.12.160KD.12.161 And bothe naked as a nedle · her none sykerL.12.160: LMR read syker, although M has a second <er> added in a different ink to match the common B reading of sikerer. þan other
M.12.160KD.12.161And bothe nakede asM.12.160: M alone among B manuscripts lacks the word a here. nedle hire noon sikererM.12.160: M's original reading of siker agreed with LR. þan oþur
Cr1.12.159KD.12.161 And both naked as a nedle , ther non sikerer than other
W.12.159KD.12.161 And boþe naked as a nedle . hir noon sikerer þan ooþer W.12.159:nota
Hm.12.466KD.12.161 and boþe nakyd as a nedle · her noonHm.12.466: her noon, "neither of them." sykerer þan other
C.12.160KD.12.161 And both naked as a nedile · er noon sikerer than other
O.12.161KD.12.161And boþe nakide as a nedele arnO.12.161: O alone has arn; variants include er (YC), ar (C2), þat (B), ther (Cr), hir, and omission. noon sikerer þan oþer
R.12.164KD.12.161 And bothe naked as a nedele her non sikerR.12.164: Most beta
witnesses read sikerer, but L agrees with R's form (as did M until
"corrected" into conformity with the CrW family). þan other .