L.14.112KD.14.103 Þan ricchesse riȝtfulliche ywonne · and resonablelich yspendedL.14.112: LMR have yspended; most other B witnesses read despended.
Cr1.14.112KD.14.103 Than ryches rightfully wonne , & resonably dispended
C.14.110KD.14.103 Than richesse riȝtfulliche wonne and resonablich spende
G.15.111KD.14.103 then rygh ryches ryghtfullyche wonne & resonableG.15.111: The -le ending on G resonable could be a form of -ly, in which case G too would have the adverb (cf. remaining manuscripts resonablelich and see LALME 4, item 278). spente