decima[vn]decima discripcio de dowell
M.14.20KD.14.18Dowel shalM.14.20: M's original reading without shal agreed with GYCBLRF. wasshen it . and wryngen it . þoruȝ a wys confessour .
Cr1.14.20KD.14.18 Dowel shal wash it & wryng it , through a wyse confessoure
W.14.20KD.14.18 ¶ Dowel shal wasshen it and wryngen it . þoruȝ a wis confessour
Hm.14.20KD.14.18 Dowel schall waschen it · and wryngyn it · þurgh a wyjs confessour
C.14.20KD.14.18 Do wel wasshen it and wryngen it thurgh a wyes confessour
O.14.20KD.14.18Do-wel schal wasschen it & wryngen it þoruȝ a wise confessour
R.14.20KD.14.18 Dowel waschen it and wringen it þoruȝ a wise
confessoure .
F.10.494KD.14.18¶ Dowel wasshe it & wrynge it / with a wyȝs confessour.F.10.494: F omits the following line: "Oris confessio &c."