L.14.194KD.14.181 ¶ Þus in genere of his genitriceL.14.194: L alone reads of his genitrice, though R has the similar phrase alle his genitrice; most B manuscripts have of gentries. · Ihesu cryst seyde
Cr1.14.195KD.14.181 Thus In genere , of gentryes Iesu Christ sayde
C.14.193KD.14.181 ¶ Thus in genere of gentrise · Ihesu crist saide
R.14.192KD.14.181 Þus in genere of alle his genitriceR.14.192: R's phrase, of alle his genitrice, is part of a complex
variation. Most beta copies read of gentries; L, which overlaps with R
here, reads of his genitrice; and F also shows partial agreement with R,
reading of alle Ientylis. ihesu crist sayde
F.10.659KD.14.181¶ Thus in genere of alle IentylisF.10.659: Alpha is responsible for alle. R has his genitrice, and beta has gentries for F's Ientylis. / Iesu crist seyȝde.