L.14.248KD.14.243 And pouerte nis but a petit þinge · appereth nouȝt to his nauleL.14.248: In the right margin, possibly written by the original scribe, appears the gloss id est vmbilicus ·.
Cr1.14.249KD.14.243 Pouerti is but a petit thing , apperith not to his nauel
C.14.247KD.14.243 And pouerte nys but a petit thyng · apeers nouȝt to his nauele
O.14.247KD.14.243And pouerte is butO.14.247: OC2 alone lack a before petit. petit þing appereþ not to his nauele
R.14.258KD.14.243 And pouerte ne isR.14.258: R's ne is is unique in form but substantively in
agreement with the best of the early beta copies (LMWHmC), which read nis;
F and other beta witnesses (CrGYOC2) read is. Cx agrees with F and the inferior beta group. but a pety
thynge apereth nauȝt to his nauele .