L.14.65KD.14.60 For if þow lyuest after his lore · þe shottersho[r]terL.14.65: The corrector's <+> notes the scribe's omission of <r> in shorter. lyf þe better
M.14.66KD.14.60For ȝif þow lyuest after his loore . þe shorter lif þe better
Cr1.14.64KD.14.60 For if thou liue after hys lore , the shorter life þe better .
C.14.64KD.14.60 For if thow lyuest after his lore · þe shorter lif þe better
G.15.64KD.14.60 For yff thow lyuve after hys loore þe shorter lyffe þe better
O.14.64KD.14.60For if þou lyuest after his lore þe schorter lijf þe better
R.14.66KD.14.60 For if þow lyuest after his lore þe schorter lyf þe leuereR.14.66:
Beta shows better where alpha has leuere. Cx agrees with beta. .
F.10.537KD.14.60If þou leve after his loore / þe shortere lyf þe leuere.F.10.537: This is the alpha reading. Beta witnesses have þe bettre.