L.15.124KD.15.117 ¶L.15.124-128: This line group has been bracketed in the left margin with the words Nota crisostomus written in a secretary hand. Iohannes crysostomus · of clerkes speketh and prestes
Cr1.15.121KD.15.117 Iohannes Chrisostomus , of clerks spekith & prists
C.15.118KD.15.117 Iohannes crisostomus of clerkes · spekes and prestes
O.15.121KD.15.117 IohanneO.15.121: OC2 alone lack <s> in Iohannes. crisostomus of clerkis spekiþ & preestis
R.15.132KD.15.117 ¶ Iohannes criostomuscri[s]ostomus of clerkes speketh and prestes .