Cr1.15.12KD.15.12 Tyll I se as it sorcery were , a sotle thyng wyth-all
C.15.12KD.15.12 Til I seigh as it sorcerie were · a sotil thyng with-al
G.16.12KD.15.12 tyll I seygheG.16.12: There is a faint otiose bar over seyghe. as ytt sorcerye were a subtyle thyng wyth-all
O.15.12KD.15.12Til I seyȝ as it sorcery were &O.15.12: OC2 alone have & in place of a. sotil þing wiþ-alle
R.15.12KD.15.12 Til I seyȝ as it ofR.15.12:
R's line closely parallels that of beta, but R's of is unattested in any
beta witness. F includes of, but does so in a totally revised version of
this a-verse. sorserie were a sotil thynge with-alle .