L.15.22KD.15.22 ¶ What ar ȝe called quod I in þat courte · amonges crystes peple
M.15.22KD.15.22What ar ȝye called in þat Courte quod I . amonge cristes p.eple
Cr1.15.22KD.15.22 What ar ye called quod I in þat court , among christs puple
W.15.22KD.15.22 What are ye called quod I in þat court . among cristes pepleW.15.22: A smudged What are ye cald is written in a later hand in the space between this line and the next.
C.15.22KD.15.22 ¶ What er ye called in þat court quod I · amonges cristes pepile
G.16.22KD.15.22 what are ye called In þat couvrte quod I amogestamo[n]gest crystes poeple
R.15.23KD.15.22 ¶ What ar ȝe cald quod I in þat courte
amonge cristes poeple .
F.11.22KD.15.22/ [¶] But what are cald[ye] cald . quod y in þat cowrt / a-mong cristis peple.