Cr1.15.314KD.15.313 For we bene Gods fowles and a-biden alway ,
C.15.312KD.15.313 For we be goddes fowles · and abiden alwey
Dietyng of
religiousO.15.316: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines.
O.15.316KD.15.313For we bee goddis fowlesO.15.316: A solidus/punctus above fowles, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the left margin, indicate deletion, although no substitute is supplied. The only variant
reading, Foles, is attested by Cr23; Kane and Donaldson emend to behestes. and abideO.15.316: OC2 alone have the form abide in place of abiden. alwey .