M.15.435KD.15.427Hire praiers andM.15.435: M alone among B manuscripts lacks the word hir here. penaunces . to pees shulde bringe .
Cr1.15.431KD.15.427 Their prayers & their penaunces , to peace shold bring
C.15.425KD.15.427 Hir prayers and hir penaunces to pees shulde brynge
R.15.459KD.15.427 Here preyeres and here penaunces
to pees schuld hemR.15.459: Beta omits hem. bringe .
F.11.443KD.15.427& here prayeres & here penaunces / to pees sholde hemF.11.443: An alpha reading. Beta witnesses omit hem. brynge.