Cr1.15.468KD.15.461 Rude and vnreasonable , runnyng wythout cropers
W.15.471KD.15.461 Rude and vnresonable . rennynge wiþ-outen cropiersW.15.471: W alone has the spelling cropiers, "cruppers, straps" (French cropiere). R alone has the probably correct keperes, while other manuscripts have variations on creperes (GC2LYO) and cropers (HmCrCBM).
C.15.462KD.15.461 Rude and vnresonabile rennyng with-out croperes
crepersO.15.467: Substitution is indicated by a caret/punctus accompanying marginal crepers, but the reason for it is unclear since no change is made. Of all B manuscripts, only R has the correct reading, keperes.
R.15.496KD.15.461 Rude and vnresonable rennynge with-oute keperesR.15.496: R's keperes is unique; beta's variants seem nonsensical:
LYOGC2 have crep(e)res while WHmCrCBM show crop(i)ers. F omits the line. .
[Not found.]