Cr1.15.566KD.15.585 And toke it to Moyses to teach men , til Messias come
C.15.560KD.15.585 And he took it moises to teche men til messie come
G.16.565KD.15.585 heG.16.565: Kane and Donaldson do not record G's variant he; presumably they read it as <&>. In fact it is a careless <h> followed by a backwards facing <e>. Contrast with the two
ampersands immediately below. toke ytt moyses to teyche men tyll messye came
R.15.591KD.15.585 And toke it moyses to techen it hemR.15.591: For alpha's defective it hem, beta correctly reads men. til messye come .
F.11.504KD.15.585& took it Moyse to teche it hemF.11.504: Alpha is responsible for hem. Beta witnesses have correctly alliterating men. / tyl messias come.