L.17.167KD.17.167 And aren serelepes by hem-self · asondry were neureL.17.167: The corrector's <+> in the right margin may refer to L's omission of þei before neure, an omission shared with the alpha manuscripts.
Cr1.17.167KD.17.167 And are Serelopes bi hem-self , a-sonder were they neuer
C.17.165KD.17.167 And aren sereples by hem-self · a sondry were thay neuere
G.18.168KD.17.167 and ere sereplessere[l]e[p]esG.18.168: The G scribe's erroneous spelling sereples is shared by Hm C C2 Y B (Hm by correction). Cr23 have Serples. Only L and M have the correct spelling. by theym-seluve sondreye were they neuer
[Not found.]
R.17.146KD.17.167 And aren surleps bi hem-sulue
a-sondry were neuere .R.17.146: L agrees with RF's reading; in the other beta witnesses, the
final b-verse phrase reads were þei neuere.
F.13.251KD.17.167& are sunderlepis by hem-selue / & a-sundre werenF.13.251: Alpha and L omit beta's þei before neuere. neuere.