Cr1.17.219KD.17.220 Lelly loue or lyfe , that oure lorde shapte
C.17.214KD.17.220 Lele loue other lif · that oure lord shapte
[Not found.]
R.17.200KD.17.220 Lel loue other lif þat oure lorde schupte .R.17.200: R's schupte is a unique preterite form among the B manuscripts, whose
typical form is shapte; but schupte is uniformly
attested in C copies.
After this line, R and F omit twenty-seven
lines found in the beta manuscripts:
And as glowande gledes gladieth nouȝte þis werkmen
Þat worchen &
waken in wyntres niȝtes
As doth a kex or a candel þat cauȝte hath fyre &
Namore doth sire ne sone ne seynt spirit togyderes
Graunteth no grace ne
forȝifnesse of synnes
Til þe holi goste gynne to glowe and to blase
So þat
þe holygoste gloweth but as a glede
Tyl þat lele loue ligge on hym & blowe
And þanne flaumbeth he as fyre on fader & on filius
And melteth her myȝte
into mercy as men may se in wyntre
Ysekeles in eueses (or
euesynges) þorw hete of þe sonne
Melteth in a mynutwhile to myst & to watre
So grace of þe holygoste þe grete myȝte of þe trinite
Melteth into mercy to
mercyable & to non other
And as wex withouten more on a warme glede
brennen & blasen be þei togyderes
And solacen hem þat may se þat sitten in
So wole þe fader forȝif folke of mylde hertes
Þat reufulliche
repenten & restitucioun make
In as moche as þei mowen amenden & payen
And if it suffice nouȝte for assetz þat in suche a wille deyeth
Mercy for his
mekenesse wil make good þe remenaunte
And as þe weyke and fyre wil make a warme
For to myrthe men with þat in merke sitten
So wil cryst of his curteisye
and men crye hym mercy
Bothe forȝiue & forȝete & ȝet bidde for
To þe fader of heuene forȝyuenesse to haue.
F.13.299KD.17.220Leel love to þe lyf / þat oure lord schapede.F.13.299: Alpha omits the following twenty-seven lines attested by beta witnesses:
And as glowynge gledes gladeþ noȝt þise werkmen
That werchen and waken in wyntres nyȝtes
As dooþ a kex or a candle þat caught haþ fir and blaseþ
Na moore dooþ sire ne sone ne seint spirit togidres
Graunte no grace ne forgifnesse of synnes
Til þe holy goost gynne to glowe and to blase
So þat þe holy goost gloweþ but as a glede
Til þat lele loue ligge on hym and blowe
And þanne flawmeþ he as fir on fader and on filius
And melteþ hire myȝt into mercy as men may se in wyntre
Ysekeles in euesynges (or eueses) þoruȝ hete of þe sonne
Melteth in a Mynut while to myst and to watre
So grace of þe holy goost þe grete myȝt of þe Trinite
Melteþ to mercy to merciable and to noon oþere
And as wex wiþouten moore on a warm glede
Wol brennen and blasen be þei togideres
And solacen hem þat mowe se þat sitten in derknesse
So wol þe fader forȝyue folk of mylde hertes
That rufully repenten and restitucion make
In as muche as þei mowen amenden and paien
And if it suffise noȝt for assetz þat in swich a wille deyeþ
Mercy for his mekenesse wol make good þe remenaunt
And as þe weke and fir wol make a warm flaumbe
For to murþe men wiþ þat in merke sitten
So wole crist of his curteisie and men crye hym mercy
Boþe forȝyue and foryete and ȝit bidde for vs
To þe fader of heuene forȝifnesse to haue.