L.17.96KD.17.98 And þanne plastred with penaunce · and passioun of þat babi
Cr1.17.96KD.17.98 Than plastered with penaunce , & passion of that baby
C.17.96KD.17.98 And þan plastred with penaunce · and passioun of þat baby
G.18.96KD.17.98 & þen plastered wyth pennance wyth G.18.96: A downward stroke, possibly that of the <p> of passyon but also possibly the downward stroke of a thorn (see the F reading with þe passioun), has been written and deleted after deleted wyth. & passyon off þat body
R.17.86KD.17.98 And þanne plastered with penaunce and þeR.17.86:
Beta copies omit þe. The metrics of the beta version, which thus avoids
two strong dips in the b-verse, is liklier to be authorial. passion of þat baby .
F.13.193KD.17.98& make a plastre with penaunce / with þeF.13.193: F's with þe is unique. Bx reads and. Alpha is responsible for adding unmetrical þe. passioun of þat babe.