M.2.199KD.2.197Shal neuere man of þisM.2.199: M's original reading without þis is shared by HmYOC2CLRFH. molde . mainprise the leeste
Cr1.2.198KD.2.197 Shal neuer man of thys molde maynprise the leest
C.2.199KD.2.197 Schal neuer man of molde · Maynprise the leste
G.3.198KD.2.197 shall neuer man on thys mold meympryceG.3.198: Given the G scribe's carelessness with minims, the second <m> of meympryce may be an error. However, the OED records forms with <m> from the Middle English period to the fifteenth century. the lest