Cr1.2.210KD.2.211 Than dread went wyghtlye and warned the Fals
Hm.2.208KD.2.211 Thanne drede wente wyghtly · and warnede falsHm.2.208: A modern hand has added "Fragment begins here," indicating where Hm2 starts. The same hand also marked this leaf as "9th" in accord with his note on 96r in Hm2, which directs the reader to
the corresponding text here on Hm's 9th leaf. Hand2 begins here and continues throughout the text of Hm. See Thorlac Turville-Petre,
"Putting it Right: The Corrections of Huntington Library MS Hm 128 and BL Additional MS 35287," The Yearbook of Langland Studies 16 (2002): 43-51.
C.2.211KD.2.211 thanne drede went wigtliche · and warned the fals