notaL.2.213: The symbol for a musical note to represent nota appears in the left margin. Another is written at the far right margin.
M.2.213KD.2.213¶ Falsenesse for fere þanneM.2.213: M's original reading without þanne is shared by HmHm2GF. . fledde to þe Freres
Cr1.2.212KD.2.213 Falsenes for feare than fledde to the Freers
Hm.2.210KD.2.213 ¶ Fals for fereHm.2.210: Note that þanne appears as an addition above the line in M. · fley. to the freres
C.2.213KD.2.213 ¶ FalnesseFal[s]nesse for fere · thanne fleis to þe freres
G.3.212KD.2.213 falsnes for fereG.3.212: M originally shared the G Hm Hm2 F reading fere (for remaining B manuscripts fere þanne), but þanne has been added above the line by M's hand2. Most A manuscripts have Þanne at the beginning of the line. The C manuscripts P Ec Rc Mc Vc Ac Q Sc Kc Gc Nc share the G Hm Hm2 F reading. fleydd to the freres
¶ Falsenesse for fere þanne fleiȝtR.2.172:
R's form is unique; F and many beta copies read fleiȝ. Other beta
witnesses have fledde. Both Ax and Cx appear to agree with the F/beta reading. to þe freres .