L.2.3KD.2.3 That bar þat blisful barne · þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode
M.2.3KD.2.3Þat bar þat blisseful barn . þat bouȝte vs on þe rode
Cr1.2.3KD.2.3 That bare þat blisful barne þat bought vs on þe rode
W.2.3KD.2.3 That bar þat blisful barn . þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode
Hm.2.3KD.2.3 that bare that blysfull barn that boughte vs on the rode
C.2.3KD.2.3 that bar þat blisful barne · that bought vs on þe rode
G.3.3KD.2.3 that bare that blysfull barne that boght vs on rode
O.2.3KD.2.3 Þat bare þat blisful barn þat bouȝte vs on þe rode
[Not found.]
F.3.3KD.2.3Þat bar þat blisful barn / þat bowhte vs on roode.F.3.3: A pointing hand appears in the right margin, added by a later hand.