L.4.121KD.4.119 Til clerken coueitise be · to clothe þe pore and to fedeL.4.121: The marginal <X> is larger than typical and occupies the space of this line and the line below. The reason for it
is not clear, unless it is intended to suggest that recordare should be boxed in red.
M.4.121KD.4.119Til clerken coueitise be to clothe poreM.4.121: The reading pore is shared with Hm. Other B manuscripts have þe pore. and fede .
Cr1.4.121KD.4.119 Tyl clerken couetis be to cloth the poore and fede
C.4.118KD.4.119 Til clerken couettise be · to cloþe þe pore and to fede
Til clerkene coueytise be to clothe þe pore and to fede .
F.4.461KD.4.119& Clerkene coueytyse / cloþe wel þe PoPo[re & fede]F.4.461: At least one character is erased after Po. Bx reads "to clothe þe pouere & fede." The b-verse is heavy, and we cannot be certain that the F-Redactor would have concurred
with Bx.