# quod lex laborabit & lede a-Feld dong
Cr1.4.148KD.4.146 And if ye worken it in warke , I wed myne eares
W.4.148KD.4.146 And if ye werchen it in werk . I wedde myne erisW.4.148: A scribe has drawn a pointing hand in the right margin.
C.4.145KD.4.146 And if ye wyrken it in werke · I wedde myn eres
G.5.148KD.4.146 and yff youG.5.148: The vast majority of A manuscripts read "thou," which is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson and which may have given rise to the G reading
you (with misreading of the thorn as a <y>). However, most B manuscripts read ȝe and it is worth remembering that the G scribe does employ "you" for the nominative plural elsewhere; see note to G.2.180. worchen that worke I wedde my heyrs
O.4.149KD.4.146And if ȝe worken it in werk I wedde boþeO.4.149: OC2H alone include boþe. myne eris