M.4.158KD.4.156I ...?...failleM.4.158: M's altered reading faille agrees with Cr. Hm also alters the word to fayle. Most B manuscripts read falle in, and an erased in is likely here. Flor.ynes quod þat freyke . and faille speche ofte .
Cr1.4.158KD.4.156 I faile florens quod þat freke & fail speche oft ,
W.4.158KD.4.156 I falle in floryns quod þat freke . and faile speche ofteW.4.158-159: The bottom two lines are affected by bleedthrough.
C.4.155KD.4.156 I falle in floreyns quod þat freke · and faille speche oft
R.4.158KD.4.156 I falle in floreyns quod þeR.4.158:
R's þe is an alpha variant (cf. beta's þat), shared by
convergence with Cr2-3. freke and faile speche ofte .
F.4.498KD.4.156I stumble at floreynes quod þe freeke / þat y faile speche ofte.