L.4.176KD.4.174 And gan wax wrothe with lawe · for Mede almoste had shent it
M.4.176KD.4.174And gan waxe wroth with lawe . for mede . hadde almoosteM.4.176: All other B manuscripts except Y reverse the order of hadde almoost. shent it .
Cr1.4.176KD.4.174 And gan wax wroth with law for mede had it nere shent
W.4.176KD.4.174 And gan wexe wroþ with lawe . for Mede almoost hadde shent it
C.4.173KD.4.174 And gand wax wroth with lawe · for Mede almost had schent
G.5.176KD.4.174 and gan wexe wrothe wyth lawe for mede had nyghe shente ytt
O.4.177KD.4.174And gan waxe wroþ wiþ lawe for Mede almost hadde schent it
R.4.176KD.4.174 And gan wax wroth with lawe for mede almost had schent it