L.4.45KD.4.43 As conscience hym kenned · til þei come to þe Kynge
M.4.45KD.4.43As Conscience hym kenn..ed . til þei come to þe kynge
Cr1.4.45KD.4.43 And Conscience him kenneth , tyl they came to þe king
W.4.45KD.4.43 As Conscience hym kenned . til þei come to þe kynge
Hm.4.42KD.4.43 and conscyence hym kennyde · tyl they come to the kynge
C.4.44KD.4.43 As conscience hym kenned · til þey come to þe kyng
O.4.46KD.4.43As concience hym kennede til heO.4.46: GOC2 alone have he in place of þei. He is not the form of the plural normally used by the O-scribe, and the context suggests the singular may have been intended. come to þe kyng
R.4.45KD.4.43 As consience hym kennede til þei come to þe kynge .