Cr1.10.169KD.10.165 For if þou couplest þe therwith to clergie commest þou neuer
C.10.167KD.10.165 For if þou couplest þe þer-with · to clergie comestow neuere
G.11.170KD.10.165 for yff þou couvple þe þerwyth to claregye comesthowe G.11.170: A virgule has been added at this point to separate comesthowe and neuere. neuere
R.10.172KD.10.165 For ȝif þow couplest þe þere-with to chercheR.10.172: The correct reading is beta's clergye (as confirmed by an
identical b-verse in the other two versions). R's cherche, which makes
only superficial sense, may derive from alpha or may be an attempt to emend hopeless
corruption; cf. F's reading, crist. comest þow
neuere .
F.7.171KD.10.165For if þou be cumbred þer-with / to cristF.7.171: F's reading is unique. Bx reads clergie. The error may lie in alpha, since R has cherche. comest þou neuere.