M.10.291KD.10.279Ac it semeþ nowM.10.291: The <w> is written over a <t>; F's reading is not. sothely to þe worldus sighte
Cr1.10.289KD.10.279 And it semeth nowe sothly to worldes syght
C.10.289KD.10.279 ¶ And it semes now sothly · to þe worldes sight
R.10.294KD.10.279 ¶ Ac it semeth noR.10.294: This obvious error (no for now) stems
from alpha (cf. F's not). R's failure to correct it probably attests to
misplaced reverence for his exemplar. sothliche toR.10.294: Though Cr agrees with
R's omission here, the beta sub-archetype and F show þe before worldes. worldes siȝte .
F.7.293KD.10.279/ [¶] But it semeþ notF.7.293: Alpha is responsible for the negative. Beta manuscripts have now. soþly / to þe worldis syghte.