Readings for line KD.10.288

Archa dei myshapped · and ely brake his nekke
Archa dei mishapped . and Ely brake his nekke
Archa dei myshapped and Eli brake hys necke
Archa dei myshapped . and Ely brak his nekke
archa dei myshappyd · and ely brak his nekke ·
Archa dei myshapped and Ely brak his nekke
archa dei mysshapedG.11.301: Most B manuscripts read myshapped, but use of a single <p> in G mysshaped does not necessarily imply a substantive variant: the G scribe was clearly aware of the possibility of using single and double consonants to indicate preceding long and short vowels, but his practice in this respect was by no means consistent. See further Introduction III.2. & hely brake hys necke
Archa dei mys-happede  & eli brake his nekke
Archa dei meskapudR.10.304: This is either a mistake or an extremely rare form. MED, s. v. miskepen, lists no occurrences for the inflected form nor for the base. OED2, s. v. miscape, lists R's use of the term as the only known occurrence of meskapud. It is classified as a past tense form of miscape, an intransitive verb meaning "To have a mishap, come to grief." A citation from 1477 in a treatise on alchemy is the only other known use of the verb as an intransitive. One transitive use from 1535 is cited.  and ely brak his ne..kke .
For Archa dei mys-happede / hely brak his nekke.