L.10.302KD.10.289 L.10.302-304: A corrector's dry point cross appears in the left margin, but it is not clear why it was written. ¶ For-þi ȝe corectoures claweth her-on · and corecteth fyrst ȝow-seluen
M.10.302KD.10.289For-þi ȝye corectours claweth here-on & corecteþ furst ȝyow-seluen
Cr1.10.300KD.10.289 Forthi correctors claw hereon & correct first your-selfe
W.10.302KD.10.289 ¶ For-þi ye Correctours claweþ her-on . and correcteþ first yow-selue
C.10.300KD.10.289 For-thi correctours clawes her-on · and corectes first youre-seluen
O.10.302KD.10.289For-þi . correctouris claweþ her-on & correcteþ first ȝoure-seluen
R.10.305KD.10.289 ¶ For-þi ȝe corectoures
claweth here-on and corecteth furst ȝow-seluen .
F.7.302KD.10.289Ȝe correctoures claweth here-on / but correcte first ȝour-selue.