Readings for line KD.10.312

A leder of louedayes · and a londe-bugger
A leder of louedays  and a lond-bugger
A leder of loue-dayes and a loude beggerlo[n]de b[u]gger[e]
A ledere of louedayes . and a lond buggere           W.10.314:nota
and ledere of louedayes · and a lond-byggere
A leder of louedayes · and a londe bygger
G.11.315: Lines G11.315 and G11.316 appear in reverse order in the manuscript. Line G11.316 has a square bracket placed round it in the left hand margin, i.e. it is marked for reversal in the original ink. The numbering of these lines and the order in which they appear in this edition reflects the intention thus indicated.a leyder off . louvedayes & a land buyggerG.11.315: In addition to the alteration from bugger to bygger, there appears to have been some attempt to alter the medial <gg> but the intention here is unclear; possibly the corrector wished to write byer.
A leder of louedayes  & a loond bigger
A ledere of louedays  andR.10.330: The omission of the indefinite article is unique to R. Cf. the Bx phrase, a londebugger. The same phrase occurs in Ax, where it also includes the indefinite article. londe buggere .
A ledere of Lovedayes / & a lond byggere.