Cr1.10.326KD.10.326 And barons with erles beat hem through Beatus virs teching
W.10.328KD.10.326 And Barons wiþ Erles beten hem . þoruȝ Beatus virres techyng W.10.328:nota
C.10.326KD.10.326 And barons and erles beten hem · þurȝ Beatus vir techyng
G.11.329KD.10.326 & lBarons G.11.329: The use of the capital <B> on "Barons" is unusual and it appears that the scribe has written an <l> and then altered
it and that the capital is used for the sake of clarity. & elr erles thurugh . beatus vir . teychyng
R.10.344KD.10.326 And barones with erles bitenR.10.344: R's form is unique; Bx has beten. hem þoruȝ beatus
virres techinge .