L.10.98KD.10.95 ¶ Nouȝt to fare as a fitheler or a frere · forto seke festes
M.10.98KD.10.95Nouȝt to fare as a Frere or a fythelerM.10.98: M's Frere or a fytheler is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read fiþeler or a frere. for to seke feestus
Cr1.10.98KD.10.95 Not to fare as a fideler , or a frier to seke feastes ,
W.10.99KD.10.95 ¶ Nouȝt to fare as a fiþelere or a frere . for to seke festes
C.10.98KD.10.95 ¶ And nouȝt to fare as a fedhler · or a frere for to seek festes
G.11.99KD.10.95 & nat to fare as a fydeler or a frere toG.11.99: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G Cr Hm R reading to. Remaining B manuscripts read forto. seke feastes
O.10.98KD.10.95AcO.10.98: O alone has Ac in place of And or nothing at all. not to fare as a fiþeler or a frere for to seke feestis
R.10.101KD.10.95 Nouȝt to fare as a fithelere or asR.10.101: R's as is a unique addition to the text attested by beta
(F completely alters the b-verse). a frere to seke festes .