M.12.117KD.12.109W....hich is þe coffre of cristes tresour and clerkes kepe þe keyes
Cr1.12.116KD.12.109 Whych is þe coffer of christes treasure , & clarks kepe þe kaies
C.12.116KD.12.109 Wich is the cofire of cristes tresore · and clerkes kepe the keyes
R.12.119KD.12.109 Whiche is þe coffre of cristes tresor and clerkes kenpeR.12.119: Either the scribe or an
early reader caught an error here (kene for kepe) and
added a light descender in the same ink as that of the scribe. The shape of the descender
matches that of the scribe's authentic <p>. þe keyes .
F.9.236KD.12.109Wiche ys coffre of cristis tresor / & clerkysF.9.236:An otiose curl appears over the <c>. kepe þe keyȝe.