Cr1.12.71KD.12.65α Quod scimus loquimur , quod vidimus testamur .
C.12.70KD.12.65α Quod scimus loquimur quod vidimus testamur
G.13.71KD.12.65α quod scimusG.13.71: The second letter of scimus is odd and could conceivably be a minim but since there is a dot over the <i> it would be impossible to read the word as
sumus. loquimur quod videmus testamur. //
O.12.71KD.12.65αQuod scimus loquimur quod vidimus testamurO.12.71: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after quod, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
F.9.191KD.12.65αF.9.191: Space was left for a capital <Q>. vod[Q]vod simus loquimur & quod uidimus testamur.