Cr1.13.236KD.13.234 I haneha[u]e no good gyftes of these greate lordes
Hm.13.236KD.13.234 y haue noone good .ieftysHm.13.236: Hm uniquely reads ieftys against other B manuscripts' gyftes. The original scribe appears to have written geftys, and the corrector to have taken the <ft> ligature to be <st> and intended iestys, "gestes, heroic stories." That reading appears in Cot. · of these grete lordys
C.13.236KD.13.234 I haue nea goode giftes · of this grete lordes
F.10.237KD.13.233.1Þerfore fewe rewarde me / my rente is þe lasse.F.10.237: This line appears only in F.