L.13.339KD.13.337 Lechecrafte orL.13.339: LR alone read or, prompting the corrector's marginal <+>. Most other B manuscripts have of. owre lorde · and leue on a wicche
Cr1.13.338KD.13.337 Lechcrafte of our lorde , and leue of a wytche
C.13.337KD.13.337 lechecraft of oure lord · and leue on a wiche
R.13.354KD.13.337 Leche-craft orR.13.354: R's or is shared only with L (cf. the common beta reading, of). F reads
be. Although two C manuscripts, Q and F, agree with
this RL reading, Cx certainly agrees with the beta majority. If this RL
lection is, as seems likely, an error (rather than a harder reading distorted by most of
their fellow copyists) it would represent a coincidental misreading of a single
character. oure lorde and leue on a wiche