M.13.347KD.13.348As wellM.13.347:Kane and Donaldson read woll which is possible, but cf. M13.24 for another ambiguous case. in fastyngdays . & frydays and forboden nyghte.s
Cr1.13.349KD.13.348 As well on fastynges & frydayes , & forboden nightes
W.13.349KD.13.348 As wel in fastyng-dayes and Fridaies . asW.13.349: W alone reads as; other manuscripts have &. forboden nyȝtes
C.13.348KD.13.348 As wel in fastyngdaies as fridayes · and forboden nyghtes
G.14.350KD.13.348 as well In fastyngdayesfastyng dayes as frydayes & other forbydden nyghtes
R.13.365KD.13.348 As welR.13.365: Beta reads wel in for alpha's wel. But
Cx agrees with alpha. fastyng dayes and fridayes and
for-bode niȝtes .