Cr1.13.436KD.13.459 Why he had washed it or wyped it with a brushe .
W.13.436KD.13.459 Why he ne hadde whasshenW.13.436: WG read whasshen; most other manuscripts have wasshen. it . or wiped it wiþ a brusshe
C.13.435KD.13.459 Why he ne had wasshen it · or wipid it with a brusshe
O.13.434KD.13.459Why he ne hadde wasschen it or wipedO.13.434: OC2 alone lack it before wiþ. wiþ a brusche
F.10.475KD.13.459Why he ne hadde wasshe yt / er with a brushȝ rubbid it.F.10.475: Bx reads "or wiped it wiþ a brusshe."