Cr1.13.55KD.13.53 And he brought vs of Beati quorum , of Beatus virs makynge
W.13.55KD.13.53 And he brouȝte vs of Beati quorum . of Beatus virres makyng
C.13.55KD.13.53 And of Beati quorum of Beatus vir makyng
G.14.55KD.13.53 andG.14.55: β4 manuscripts lack "he brought vs" after "and." beati quorum off beatus vir In a dysshe makyng
R.13.49KD.13.53 And he brouȝt ofR.13.49:
R's phrasing here is unique. Beta adds vs before of. F
completely revises the line.
beati quorum andR.13.49:
R uniquely supplies and to the text attested by beta at this point. F
completely revises the line. of beatus vir his
makynge .
F.10.48KD.13.53& þer-with beati quorum / tecta sunt / with blawnche poudre stroued. F's reading is unique. Bx reads as follows:
And he brouȝte vs of Beati quorum of Beatus virres makyng.
Et quorum tecta sunt peccata in a dissh.