L.15.559KD.15.531 Many man for crystes loue · was martired in RomanyeL.15.559: L alone has the spelling Romanye; most B witnesses read Romayne.
Cr1.15.551KD.15.531 Mani a man for christes loue , was martyred in Rome
C.15.545KD.15.531 Many man for cristes loue · was martired in Romaigne
R.15.572KD.15.531 ¶ Many a man for cristes loue was martired amongesR.15.572: R's amonges is unique; all the other manuscripts of B read in. However, Cx agrees with
romaynesR.15.572: R's romaynes is unique; most beta copies read Romayne; CrCot have Rome, while F shows grete roome. However, Cx agrees with R. .