Cr1.17.130KD.17.132 One god with all my good , and al gomes after
Hm.17.130KD.17.132 oo god wyþ all my good · and alle my g...?...omes afterHm.17.130: Some bits of the scraped text remain, but they are not legible. A partial tilde is legible over <m>, and illegible
marks after <r> are just visible.
C.17.131KD.17.132 O god with al my goode · and alle gomes after
[Not found.]
F.13.214KD.17.130/132& alle þre but .oo. god / & alle goomes after.F.13.214: F omits a b-verse, a full line, and an a-verse. Bx reads as follows:
. . . þus Abraham me tauȝte
And Hope afterward he bad me to louye
O god wiþ al my good . . . .