Readings for line KD.19.252.1

Þat he þat vseth þe fairest crafte · to þe foulest I couth haue put hymL.19.253: A corrector's <+> appears in the left margin, suggesting that the scribe initially omitted couth haue put hym. Those words appear in ink darker than the rest of the line.
That he þat vseth þe fairest crafte . to þe fouleste I kouþe haue put hym
That men of þe fairest craft to þe foulist I could haue put
That he þat vseþ þe faireste craft . to þe fouleste I kouþe haue put hym
þat he þat vseþ þe fayrest craft · to þe fowlest y cowde haue put hym
C [Not found.]
þeat he þat vsethe þe fayrest crafte / to þe fowlest I couvld hauve put hym
O.19.243: A cross consisting of five dots, one red, with red rays radiating outward, appears in the left margin. It is probably in the main scribal hand. It may have been intended to point to the defectiveness of l. 243.Þat he þat vseþ þe fayrest craft  to þe foulest I couþe haue put hymO.19.243: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate.
R [Not found.]
Þat he þat vseþ fayr craft / to þe foulest y cowde a pyt hym.
& he þat is ȝoure althir drevel / myghte mayster ben holden. These four lines occur only in F. With R absent, it is not possible to determine whether they originated in alpha.
If grace wolde haue grantyd hym / but þynk þou wel þerafter.
If he leede weel his lyf / his Ioyȝe shal encresen.
And al þat he swynkeþ harde heere / to blysse it shal hym turne.