L.5.267KD.5.262 Ne þine ysueL.5.267: L and R alone have ysue, meaning "issue, progeny." Most other B manuscripts have heires. The original scribe first wrote vsue and then in response to the corrector's <+> corrected the first character to <y>. after þe · haue ioye of þat þow wynnest
M.5.267KD.5.262Ne þin ....heirsM.5.267: M's altered reading heirs agrees with most B manuscripts. L reads ysue, R reads vssue, and F oddly reads houswif. aftur þe . haue ioie of þat þou wynneste
Cr1.5.265KD.5.262 Ne thyne heyres after þe haue Ioye of þat thou winest
C.5.267KD.5.262 Ne þyn heires after þe · haue Ioie of þat þow wynnest
R.5.268KD.5.262 Ne þin vssueR.5.268: R reads vssue, agreeing with L alone (=
ysue); M has been erased and overwritten to match the other beta
manuscripts' reading, heires. F reads houswif.
after þe haue ioye of þat þow wynneste .