Readings for line KD.5.356

Durst lape of þeL.5.367: LGMR alone read þe. Most other B manuscripts have þat. Kane-Donaldson mistakenly read M as þo. leuynges · so vnlouely þei smauȝte
Durst lapen of þeM.5.367: Kane and Donaldson record the word as þo. The reading þe is shared by GLR. leuynges  so vnlouely it smauȝte
Durst lap of tho leuinges , so vnlouely they smaught
Dorste lape of þat leuynges . so vnlouely þei smauȝte
durste lape of tho leuynges · so vnlouely yt smakkyd
durst lappe of þat leuynges so vnlouely þey smaughte
dorste lape off þe leyuvynges so vnlouvely they wereG.6.365: The past tense of "smatch" (see most manuscripts smauȝte for G were) is not recorded by the OED after the fifteenth century, although the present tense continues in use for some time.
Durste lape of þat leuyngesleuenyngesO.5.369: A solidus/punctus above both leuynges and marginal leuenynges indicate substitution. The word leuenynge, which appears in connection with this line only in O, is glossed by the MED as "lightning" or "shining," which has no application to this context. The scribe's motive for this substitution is unclear.  so vnlouelich þei smauȝtenO.5.369: O alone has the form smauȝten; most B manuscripts have smauȝte.
Durst lape of þe leuyngR.5.369: Beta shows the plural form, leuynges, while F rewrites the a-verse beyond recognition. The C version agrees here with R's singular.  so vnlouely it smauȝte .
Þat leste lape a lyte þerof / so loþly it smellide