L.5.9KD.5.9 ¶ And þanne saw I moche more · þan I bifore tolde
M.5.9KD.5.9And þanne sawe I moche more . þanne — I bifore ofM.5.9: The insertion of of brings M into line with WCr. tolde
Cr1.5.9KD.5.9 And than I sawe moch more than I before of tolde
W.5.9KD.5.9 And þanne sauȝ I muche moore . þan I bifore of tolde
Hm.5.9KD.5.9 ¶ And þanne sawȝ y moche more · than y bifore tolde
C.5.9KD.5.9 ¶ And þanne saue I mykile more · þanne I bifore tolde
G.6.9KD.5.9 and þen saghe I moche more then I before told
O.5.9KD.5.9 ¶ And þanne sawȝ I myche more þan I bifore tolde
¶¶ And þanne saw I muche more þan I
befor tolde .
F.5.7KD.5.9¶ & þanne y seyȝ mychil moore / þan y be-fore-hond tolde.