Readings for line KD.6.241

And binam hisL.6.247: L uniquely omits hym before his. Mnam · for he ne wolde worch.e
                         besauntM.6.247: This gloss is in different hand than that two lines up, and is not shared by other B manuscripts.
And by-nam hymM.6.247: M's original reading without hym was shared by L. his Mnam . for he nolde worche .
And byname him his Mnam for he wold not worke
And bynam hym his Mnam . for he ne wolde werche
and bynam hym his mnan · for he ne wolde werche
And bynam hym his Mnam for he wolde werche
& bynam hym hys beysant for he noldG.7.247: Almost all A manuscripts share the G M Cot reading nold, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read ne wolde. worche
And bynam hym hys nam  for he ne wolde worche
And by-nam hym his napm This word is foreign in origin and quite rare, and spellings of it vary considerably on that account. OED2 and MED identify the headword as mnam. OED2 lists nam as the only recognized variant and Langland as the only citation. However, among the A copies, Vernon shows another presumably valid spelling variation, rendering the word at 7.225 (Kane) as npnam. MED also cites Piers Plowman as the only source but lists a wider variety of forms, including mnamme, namp, mam, and man. In light of the fact that Langland is the only source cited, however, it seems probable that several of these "variant forms" are merely scribal errors.  for he ne wold werche .
& he by-nam hym his napm / for he wolde not wirche.